The Personal Branding Company

How to Practice Empathy at Work So You Can Boost Your Career

Practicing empathy in the workplace

Strong relationships are integral to professional growth, but it doesn’t always feel easy to establish and maintain them in our increasingly fragmented – and increasingly remote – workplaces.  What if there was a simple way to turn your relationship-building skills into a career-boosting superpower? The answer is empathy. Empathy is the ability to see the […]

7 Qualities That All Compelling Personal Brands Share

personal brand attributes

Personal brands are, by definition, unique. Success is not a straight road, and those who have achieved it have taken many paths to get there. That being said, there are a number of attributes successful people – and their personal brands – have in common. I’m fortunate to have spent the past two decades working […]

10 Practical Strategies to Improve the Employee Experience

how to improve employee experience

Improving employee experience in your organization should be close to the top of your to-do list. Why? Because people are leaving in droves. Since April 2021, a record-breaking 19 million workers have quit their jobs. That’s an alarming figure, and it reflects the modern truth that dangling the old carrot of financial incentives no longer […]

9 Incredible Benefits of Personal Branding

power of personal branding

Personal branding is one of the most important career development tools, yet it’s one that many professionals feel they don’t have the time or energy to pursue. But the truth is that in today’s competitive work environment, not developing a strong personal brand means getting left behind while others make a meaningful impact and skyrocket […]

Why Authentic Leadership Is Crucial (4 Ways to Develop It)

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There is nothing more inspiring in today’s corporate world than authentic leadership. This might sound lofty, but the path to success is littered with leaders who failed to behave with authenticity and integrity.  The result? Teams without trust in their leadership, cooking up a toxic stew of reduced engagement, increased attrition, and missed opportunities. “Trust” […]

Developing Leaders: 9 Ways to Future-Proof Your Leadership Pipeline

Developing leaders

You know about your sales pipeline – but what about your leadership pipeline? The 2021 Global Leadership Forecast found that developing leaders is now the number one problem keeping CEOs awake at night. In fact, CEOs believe less than 50% of critical roles can be filled by the current generation of leaders. This presents an […]

Soft Skills for Managers: 7 Skills for Effective Communication

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Communication, compassion, time management – what do these terms have in common? Aside from being indispensable soft skills for managers and leaders, they’re also skills that can’t be learned in a university undergrad course. Soft skills for managers are developed in the workplace, and they’re more important than ever for creating a supportive work environment. […]

Building Blended Learning Programs for the New World of Work

Blended learning programs social image

Although learning has been moving online and to various hybrid models for many years, the coronavirus pandemic pushed the pedal to the floor, accelerating the move towards blending learning at Autobahn speeds. This is great news for both the learner and your organization.  When you approach learning as a fully blended experience with the virtual […]

9 Differences Between Being a Leader And a Manager

difference between manager and leader

When you are promoted into a role where you are managing people, you don’t automatically become a leader. There are important distinctions between managing and leading people. Here are nine of the most important differences that set leaders apart: 1. Leaders Create a Vision, Managers Create Goals Leaders paint a picture of what they see […]

High Potential Employees: 10 Qualities to Look for and Promote

High potential employees

High potential employees are an extremely valuable asset to any company or organization. Not only do they excel in their roles and go above and beyond what is expected of them, but they encourage their colleagues around them to be more productive and conscientious in their work. But as a leader, how do you spot […]

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