The Personal Branding Company

High potential employees

High potential employees are an extremely valuable asset to any company or organization.

Not only do they excel in their roles and go above and beyond what is expected of them, but they encourage their colleagues around them to be more productive and conscientious in their work.

But as a leader, how do you spot a high potential employee?

The truth is – everyone has the potential to be high potential. 

No two corporate executives have achieved success in the same way, or in the same time frame.

There are, however, a number of characteristics that “HiPos” (as they’re called for short) share that allow them to blast their way to the top of their respective careers.

Most executives are not born with these traits; they develop them throughout their careers.

By learning how to spot HiPos early on, you can invest in their development, and equip them to thrive in leadership positions, where they can have an even greater impact on your company’s future.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at exactly what a high potential employee is, how you can identify their career-boosting attributes, and ways to develop their skill set and personal brand so that they can truly excel in your company.

HiPo Explained: What Is a High Potential Employee?

High potential employees consistently outshine their colleagues in almost every aspect of their working life. 

Like most high achievers, they deliver better quality work, often ahead of time with minimal supervision.

HiPos possess an innate understanding and commitment to their company’s culture and values, instinctive leadership qualities, and an unrelenting thirst for personal growth and development.

HiPos are also masters of personal branding. They understand that the strength of their personal brand is directly proportional to the value they deliver to their team and the organization.

Whether it’s saying yes to relevant opportunities, speaking at industry conferences, asking questions at meetings, or consistently networking within the company, HiPos leverage their personal brands not only to add value but also to get noticed. 

What Percentage of Employees Are High Potential?

The percentage of employees labeled as HiPo in any one organization is very low. According to Harvard Business Review, as few as 3%-5% of workers were identified as HiPos. 

And scientific studies that show the top 5% of a workforce accounts for 25% of an organization’s output, which means HiPos punch well above their weight.

Statistics aside, any professional who strives to grow and develop their own unique potential is more likely to be perceived as high potential by the company they work for.

The Benefits of High Potential Employees for Companies

Identifying high-potential employees provides huge benefits to your company in the mid to long term. 

Being aware of which employees have enough potential to advance into positions of management is integral to achieving the goals of your company, and ushering in the next generation of top talent.

Once companies identify HiPos and make a conscious decision to develop their skill sets, they will see a number of different benefits trickle down into their business processes.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at how developing HiPos will benefit your organization. HiPos:

Encourage Team Productivity

In addition to being highly productive, HiPos are generous team players and recognize that their success is intrinsically linked to the success of those around them. They provide encouragement and readily support their colleagues, inspiring the same level of productivity from their peers and subordinates.

Save Time and Money

HiPos are reliable, quick learners that require less training and supervision than other employees. By taking initiative and working autonomously, they free up valuable time and resources that management can redirect towards other pressing tasks.

Drive Strategy

HiPos have a rare ability to think strategically, clearly communicate their insights with others, and execute complex ideas that benefit the whole organization. 

Solve Problems

When companies have a problem, HiPos are the first to step up. In fact, they become easily bored when not challenged. They will happily take on additional tasks and responsibilities that may not be part of their job description, especially ones that require critical thinking, creativity, and innovation. Or, those that others shy away from.

Are Strong Brand Advocates

HiPos are destined to become future leaders of their organizations and will live and breathe corporate culture and values if they feel supported and valued in return. As the creators of their own strong and recognizable personal brands, HiPos have the magnetism, digital networks, and capacity to become compelling brand advocates. They also commit to promoting the organization they work for.

Now that we understand the benefits that high potential employees provide to a company, let’s take a look at the identifiable characteristics that all HiPos share.

10 Characteristics of High Potential Employees (And How to Recognize Them)

All employees have unique talents and the capacity to become a HiPo. But to achieve HiPo status requires hard work, determination, and – above all – consistency (one of the all-important Cs of successful personal branding).

It’s not just about performance; employees also need to manage how they are perceived by those they seek to influence and impact.

Performance refers to the ability of an employee to grow professional skills and benefits that they provide to your organization. 

Perception, on the other hand, refers to the consistent delivery of positive personal brand traits so that they are recognized and rewarded by the organization that they work for.

Professional development programs often focus on performance but not perception. Yet both areas of focus – upskilling performance and enhancing perception – are essential to transforming talent into HiPo superstars.

Companies that invest in personal brand development for their future leaders not only develop more HiPos, they also create more collaborative, higher-performing teams.

But what traits should a company be on the lookout for when they seek to develop performance and enhance perception of an employee?

The following HiPo characteristics are the foundational pillars of performance and perception management, but they are also intrinsically linked to personal brand building.

Let’s explore each one in more detail. HiPos are:

1. Exceptional at What They Do and at Getting Noticed

It’s no surprise that HiPos are good at their role and go the extra mile. CEB research shows HiPos “generate 91% more value for their employers and put in 21% more effort than their peers.” 

But performance alone doesn’t guarantee high potential status. Employees need to make sure their effort is noticed, which is where perception management comes in. 

Tip: In meetings, take notice which employees are putting their foot forward, sharing their ideas and expertise, and acknowledging and supporting others.

Those who make valuable contributions and increase meeting productivity even when not directly called upon could be a HiPo.

2. Single-Mindedly Ambitious

HiPos are on a mission. They don’t hope for promotion. They expect it, and they pursue their ambition doggedly. However, while HiPos are goal-driven, they are also smart enough to remain alert for opportunities and readjust their sights if their goals become irrelevant.

Tip: Take note of employees who are always hungry for greater responsibility and who are tirelessly ambitious – those that make people remember their commitment, endless energy and eagerness to support their team and company mission.

They will often document their wins and present them at their next performance review. 

3. Life-Long Learners

HiPos constantly seek new ways to expand their skills and further their career. They maintain the mindset of a student and remain life-long learners, even once they secure a lofty position.

It’s their ability to amplify that learning that makes them high potential employees. They know how to leverage the knowledge they’ve gained and convert their new skills into tangible results for their employers.

Tip:  HiPos are curious and constantly looking for opportunities to upskill, so it’s wise to notice employees who are consistently trying to improve their skill set.

They might ask you about upcoming workshops or classes, but they might also take their initiative one step further by anticipating the knowledge they will one day need and seek out additional training outside of work. 

4. Generous Team Players

HiPos will be the first to step up when co-workers need help or support. As trusted colleagues, HiPos are often sought out for their input and advice. 

They build trust by acknowledging and encouraging the efforts of others, and they are always willing to collaborate and share their time and knowledge. 

Tip: Team leaders who understand their team’s personal and professional goals and work towards helping them achieve those goals are often HiPos in waiting.

You can also identify them as they are more likely to volunteer on internal task forces or external industry associations.

The visibility and credibility you gain from volunteering are like rocket fuel for your career advancement.

Stand Out: Boost Your Personal Brand, Ora Shtull

5. A Pleasure to Work With 

HiPos actively enrich the workplace with their positive attitudes. They tackle every project with enthusiasm and think of failure as an essential part of learning. They’ll greet you warmly, spurn the negativity of the water-cooler gossip, and stay focused on what needs to be achieved. 

Tip: Be on the lookout for employees who give at every opportunity; those that offer validation or praise publicly – in front of managers and co-workers – both in the real and virtual world.

HiPos will offer their unique skills and expertise to anyone in their network who can benefit from them. 

6. Go-To Experts

Every HiPo with a strong personal brand has a unique expertise and point of view that makes people seek them out for particular guidance and advice. They have identified the one area they are truly passionate about that also converges with their ambition. It’s the one thing that makes them stand out. It might be their ability to motivate a team, train others, or sell to customers.

Tip:  You can identify potential HiPos as they communicate their passion at every opportunity and take the time to share their thoughts.

Often they will create and share content online, contribute their ideas to their company’s newsletter, mentor others, add their area of expertise to their LinkedIn profile and join LinkedIn groups, and speak up about it whenever the topic is mentioned.

When we focus on what we have in common with our colleagues, we become interchangeable. When we focus on our differentiation, we get people excited about us.

Digital You: Real Personal Branding in The Virtual Age, William Aruda

7. Great at Building Relationships

HiPos effortlessly establish strong connections and relationships with co-workers, superiors, and subordinates alike. They also extend this connection to peers and thought leaders outside work, building strong relationships that will benefit both their career and organization.

Tip: HiPos will make a point of getting to know new hires or colleagues in other areas of your firm. They will discuss an issue face-to-face instead of always sending emails.

Look for those who tweet their team’s success stories, post their thought leadership on LinkedIn, or participate in discussions in professional groups online.

8. Confident

HiPos exude confidence without being arrogant or condescending. They possess a disarming self-assurance that commands a room and draws people to them, while also encouraging trust and respect. 

Tip:  As a manager or executive, you can help a HiPo build their confidence and brand using a practical tool like BrandBoost.

An AI-enhanced digital coach, BrandBoost helps your most valued employees uncover the six drivers of their personal brand and focus on the unique strengths they bring to your company.

9. Creative and Innovative

HiPos are always on the lookout for new and creative ways of doing things, and they’re not afraid of taking calculated risks. HiPos are most likely to introduce new processes or adopt new technologies that improve the organization’s products, workflows and efficiency.

Tip:  Pay attention to an employee who points out how other industries have innovated and brings you new ideas.

Using novel or creative solutions to solve problems is a key indicator that an employee is high potential. 

10. Have a Strong Personal Brand

HiPos have their own authentic and consistent personal brand that differentiates them from other employees. They know how to stand out, make their value known, and attract the attention of decision makers within the company. In addition to understanding the corporate brand of the organization, they are able to leverage their personal brand to let leaders know where and how their unique skills can be most effectively used. 

Tip: Employees with a strong personal brand are likely to be high potential. Take note of how they present themselves, their reputation, and their skillset.

Often HiPos will market themselves on social media based on their personal brand but also as part of the organization. They become digital brand ambassadors. They believe in the values of their company and are ready to go above and beyond professional expectations to make their organization’s mission known to their networks.

Are You Ready to Identify Your High Potential Employees?

Everyone has the capacity to be recognized and considered for promotion because of their high potential. However, only those who are clear about who they are, what sets them apart and what makes them invaluable to their organization will rise to the top. 

HiPos know how to position themselves for what comes next. They understand that performance is only half the story. They know perception matters, and that their personal brand is their most valuable career asset.

Once you’ve identified talent in your organization who are hungry to blast their career to the next level, help them power up their personal brands – and their potential. Get them started with BrandBoost.

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